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Big, bad carp knocking on Minnesota's door

Ramin Rahimian, Star Tribune

.Asian carp

Leaders push for measures to keep Asian carp from doing huge damage to state's fishing industry.

Last update: July 26, 2010 - 7:57 PM

THE LATEST: Two of Minnesota's top elected officials said Monday that Asian carp are poised to invade state waters and represent a major threat to the state's $2.2 billion fishing industry.

U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Attorney General Lori Swanson pledged to push to get faster federal help for a variety of projects, including barriers to stop the fish from migrating farther north, and long-term research on methods to kill the fish or slow their reproduction.

WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? Bighead and silver carp are voracious eaters that destroy food and habitat for native fish.

Silver carp can jump up to 10 feet out of the water when disturbed by motors, and bighead carp can weigh as much as 100 pounds.

"Failure to address the spread of carp could result in literally the loss of billions of dollars to the regional economy," Klobuchar said.


•Congress is considering bills to close Chicago area locks and canals to keep the carp out of Lake Michigan and to separate the Mississippi River basinfrom Lake Michigan.

•Swanson and attorneys general from four other Great Lakes states filed a federal lawsuit in Illinois last week to press for similar actions.

Gov. Tim Pawlenty sent a letter to President Obama on July 9 suggesting "an emergency summit."

BUT NOT ALL AGREE: The Illinois barge industry opposes closing the Chicago locks, saying that would disrupt millions of dollars of commerce.

SWANSON'S RESPONSE: "Too bad." Barge cargo may need to be transferred to trucks and railways, she said.

ABOUT ASIAN CARP: Imported to clean southern fish ponds in the 1970s, some carp escaped and began migrating north. They are also moving up the Mississippi River.

MINNESOTA CONNECTION: Commercial fishermen in the Winona area caught several last year, and one was netted as far north as Lake Pepinin 2007.



Bachman's Garden (Since 1885).....125年
Bachman's Garden (Since 1885).....125年
Bachman's Garden (Since 1885).....125年
Bachman's Garden (Since 1885).....125年
Wagner's Greenhouse (Since 1901).....110年
Wagner's Greenhouse (Since 1901).....110年
Wagner's Greenhouse (Since 1901).....110年
Wagner's Greenhouse (Since 1901).....110年
Hermes Floral (Since 1906).....104年
Hermes Floral (Since 1906).....104年
Hermes Floral (Since 1906).....104年
Hermes Floral (Since 1906).....104年
Linder's Garden (Since 1901).....100年
Linder's Garden (Since 1901).....100年
Linder's Garden (Since 1901).....100年

Linder's Garden (Since 1901).....100年


Farming increasingly popular with young & hip

Editor's Note: For many, the hip thing to do on the weekends is to hit up your local farmers market for fresh organic produce. Now, a surprising number of young and smart people are going a step further. They're ditching the city life to pick up organic farming, and with a lot of hard work, some of them are making a pretty good living. Our Carol Costello introduces us to one such farmer.

July 22, 2010

By Carol Costello, CNN

(CNN) – Every week, at the University Farmers Market in Baltimore, Maryland, 28-year old Roy Skeen sells greens, squash and other vegetables. All of his produce came from his small, urban farm. He planted the vegetables, picked them, and hauled them on his bike to University Market.

It’s not the kind of life he had in mind for himself when he graduated from Yale University in 2004. He majored in History and thought he’d land a job in a minute. He didn’t.

“The story that’s told about Yale,” he says, “is you’re an intelligent person if you go to Yale. But I graduated and I didn’t know how to do anything useful. I could go make green pieces of paper with dead presidents on them, but I couldn’t do anything practical.”

Skeen tried to “do something practical.” He headed to New York to work in investment banking, but he found that life stifling. After a trip to the Caribbean, he found his calling: farming.

“It exposed me to culture that grows food and lives in one place. It was pretty simple, but it was nice and I liked it.”

Skeen moved back to his hometown, Baltimore and is now working the land on an urban farm. He finds the work hard, but satisfying, in an almost spiritual way.

“To me, the magic of seeing a cucumber on the vine, it was like a circle, and my psyche was connected. Here’s something that was in front of me every day of my life and I never knew where it came from.”

Skeen is not the only young person yearning for a simple, more spiritual life. The National Future Farmers of America – an organization kids join in junior high and high school – has seen its membership soar. It now boasts 520,000 members – the most in its long history.

Officials say many young people are rejecting a life in corporate America and choosing to live off the land. They yearn, like Skeen, for a simpler life, a small farm – ten acres or less.

Jack Gurley has lived that kind of life for the past 15 years. He and his wife have a small farm in Sparks, Maryland. They say they make a “nice, middle class living” farming ten acres of land.

“People often say you must work ridiculous hours,” Gurley says. “I don’t even work 40 hours a week. It just so happens that I work 12 hours a day for three or four months a year. But we’re potentially finished at the end of October. So, I have four months off.”

Gurley now mentors young people, like Skeen, on how to make a living from farming. Skeen is grateful. His goal this year is to make $30,000 a year. But, the money is only part of it.

“This was something 80% of the population did 100 years ago. So, it feels like it’s coming home, at least for me.”



美國雷根總統於1984年宣布,每年七月第三個星期日為冰淇淋節,且因為大家對冰淇淋喜愛,進而引伸將整個七月為 "National Ice Cream Month"。
18世紀,隨著英國人的移民,冰淇淋也傳到美國。1700年,出生於英國的馬里蘭州州長布來登以水果冰淇淋與冷飲招待賓客。許多美國總統也都愛此不疲,喬治華盛頓還自己調製呢。後來一位廚師連利(Phillip Lenzi)在紐約的報紙上宣佈,他願意賣出他從倫敦帶回來的冰淇淋秘方;不久冰淇淋在美國東岸也就大受歡迎。
古代有關冰淇淋的趣聞很多。古羅馬時代人們曾用冰雪做水果飲料,暴君尼祿(Nero)曾下令至山上取冰,其後製造大冰窖冷藏宴品。公元780年,哈里發阿馬地 (caliph al-Mahdi)設法用駱駝車隊將雪運往麥加。波斯人柯斯勞(Nassiri Khosrau)在其著作中表示,1040年製作飲料與冰淇淋的雪每天從敘利亞的山區運給開羅的蘇丹王享用。
曾經遊歷中國的馬可波羅嚐過中國冰品,據信他回義大利後,將一些食譜傳給當地廚師。此外,16世紀中葉的法國王后麥迪熙(Ekaterina Medici)熱愛冰淇淋,用之招待賓客並餵食其子亨利三世。



儘管秘方嚴禁外傳,但冰淇淋的製作方法不久就從凡爾賽宮流傳至法國貴族之手。法國王后奧地利安娜(Anne of Austria)時期,法國發明了各種口味的冰淇淋。迨17世紀中葉,巴黎街頭充斥著冰淇淋與冰品小販,平常百姓也可享用冰淇淋,後來的拿破崙也愛死了冰淇淋。

隨著時日發展,冰淇淋的製作技術日益精良,拿破崙三世(1852 — 1870)時,法國發明紙杯裝的冰淇淋,義大利首先發明什錦冰淇淋,奧地利則首度在冰淇淋加上巧克力。其後因應不同活動,大量生產各種不同的冰淇淋也應運而生,第一家冰淇淋工廠在巴鐵摩爾成立,接著紐約、華盛頓與芝加哥也有類似的工廠。



71 years of fun in the sun


2010 Minneapolis Aquatennial July 16-24


The Aquatennial is always held the third full week of July. The festival's founding fathers consulted weather forecasters who said that was traditionally the driest, warmest week of the year.


The entire Minneapolis police department worked twelve hours each day of the new festival. 92-year-old Chief One Bull, last of the great Sioux warriors and famous for his defeat of General Custer, attended Aquatennial festivities. Celebrity Gene Autry was also an Aquatennial guest, broadcasting his "Melody Ranch" programs from WCCO Radio.

IN 1941:

The Aquatennial was proclaimed the Northwest's greatest summer festival and one that should not be missed. Bridal store owner Dan Cupid lamented that business was abnormally slow during Aquatennial week, with hardly any weddings scheduled. However, there were a tremendous number of weddings scheduled for the week immediately following the Aquatennial.


Vice President Richard Nixon served as the Aquatennial's Grand Marshal in 1958. The Lone Ranger attended Children's Day events at the new Parade Stadium in 1951, at the height of his career. Bob Barker hosted the TV game show "Truth or Consequences"; with a live broadcast from Edina, Minnesota - at the Southdale Shopping Mall in 1957. The Aquatennial had its own Woodstock in 1967 with "Happening '67" a three-day psychedelic band concert featuring rock stars like Jefferson Airplane and Buffalo Springfield. Millionaire and philanthropist, Percy Ross, rode in the 1978 Torchlight Parade and threw $16,500 worth of silver dollars into the crowd (by the way, throwing things from a float is now illegal in Minneapolis). Phyllis George, the former sportscaster, morning television show anchor, and Miss America was Torchlight Parade Grand Marshal in 1989. Tons O'People: The Aquatennial is attended by nearly 800,000 people over the 10 days of the festival.


Back when the Aquatennial began, there were nearly 200 events. Today festival organizers have scaled that number back to more than 70 events. The goal is to make each event absolutely spectacular.


It all started in 1971 with a local advertising agency trying to increase sales for its client, a milk distributor. Ad executives tried to think up the most outrageous idea and came up with milk carton boat races. The Aquatennial, a festival with a nautical theme, was the logical venue for the race.


The first Torchlight Parade was held during the very first Aquatennial in 1940, but back then, it was called the "Illuminated Evening Parade".


One of the Aquatennial's most popular events, the Aqua Follies, ended in 1964. This event began in 1940 at Cedar Lake and eventually moved to Theodore Wirth Lake Park. The main attractions of the Follies were the "Aqua Darlings," a variety group, and the "Aqua Dears," a team of 25 synchronized swimmers. Also featured at the Aqua Follies were Olympic divers, comedians, acrobats, singers, dancers and a sound and light show unrivaled in its time. Aquatennial officials ended the Follies because the cost to replace the deteriorating staging area, bleachers and diving area would have been astronomical.


In 1993, Tetra Pak, a Minneapolis packager, used 25,000 milk cartons to make a one-hundred-foot boat in the shape of an aircraft carrier. This was to honor those who had served in Operation Desert Storm. Nearly 150 people rode on the boat.


A Minuteman ICBM was scheduled to appear in the 1965 parade, but the missile equipment was sent to Vietnam instead.


In 1953, the Queen of the Lakes' float caught fire in the staging area. After quick repairs, it still participated in the parade.


Polio concerned the public in 1953 and milkmen sold Aquatennial Skipper Pins to raise money for iron lungs used by polio victims.


1949 Queen of the Lakes Jean Johnson was sponsored by Dayton's Department Store. Queen Jean was featured in a Sunday Tribune article called "Paper Doll." It described how to dress like a queen for $134.25. Jean was pictured as a paper doll, complete with cut-out clothes to dress her. 1974 Queen of the Lakes Barbara Peterson became a favorite beyond the Aquatennial and was crowned Miss USA. Today there are 49 Queen of the Lakes candidates from across the State of Minnesota. The candidates are judged based on their poise, personality and communication skills.

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